God's Whisper - Tuesday, December 22 (Advent 2020)

God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.
1 Corinthians 1:9

It was a beautiful morning, cold with a light dust of snow, but the sun was shining on my back as I walked out toward the plane. We had landed in the isolated First Nations community of Bearskin Lake before heading on to our final destination of Muskrat Dam, Ontario. I was about to climb in the plane when I heard my name called. I was only slightly able to turn my head before I saw a big smile over my shoulder. It was the kind of smile and greeting that touched your heart. I recognized it right away. It was Simon. 

It was almost thirty years ago that Simon came up to me and greeted me at this exact same spot on the airstrip. He was only nine years old at the time and one of the first people I met in his community. Thirty years had passed since I had taught at his school, and there he was again.

It was a short greeting that morning. But as we took off and flew over the magnificent forest, full of lakes and brilliant white snow, I couldn’t help hearing God whispering my name through Simon again. It was like he was saying: Rick, I have taken you through the last thirty years in the north, through all kinds of different circumstances, and I will take you through the next thirty years and beyond. That whisper was a reminder of God’s promise of faithfulness, not only to me but to all of humanity for all time.

Thousands of years ago, God made a promise to all of us. He was faithful and kept that promise. The prophet Isaiah proclaimed this promise that a child would be born, “And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  (Isaiah 9:6b)

Today, like never before, God’s promise in Jesus Christ is paramount. It means everything. He is our “Prince of Peace.” Our world is full of great trouble and turmoil, and only Jesus can bring us true peace.  This Advent, listen as God whispers your name. He may even be shouting it. As you worship this Christmas season, listen to His voice telling you He will be faithful no matter what. 

As I look back on my life, I can see, over and over, all God saw me through. And the greatest gift and promise of all, Jesus, reminds me of this again and again.

Dear Lord, thank you so much for keeping your promises. Thank you for using Simon to remind me of your love and sovereignty. And thank you, Lord, for whispering our names and reminding us all that in a world of great trouble you are always there and you are always faithful. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Rick Martin
Manitoba, Canada


Mountains - Wednesday, December 23 (Advent 2020)


Loose him & let him go - Monday, December 21 (Advent 2020)