Turning Failure Into Success - Thirsty (for Knowledge) Thursday

Tara, a strong Oglala Lakota woman, reflects on the path that she forged to build a life for herself and her family. Tara speaks of Native American history, the challenges of life on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota and most of all, the power of Resilience.

Tara Rose Weston is a self-taught portrait and lifestyle photographer, and award-winning filmmaker. She is a team member at Native Max Magazine, a freelance writer and a photographer for Powwows.com. Tara is a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation and was raised on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota; she currently resides in Rapid City.


This Week in Native American News (10/20/17): The End of Coal for Navajo, Intergenerational Trauma, and 'The Inuit' on Jeopardy


Hockey as a Ministry Tool