Numbered - Monday Morning Devotion
Numbers 1:18
It's clear that God likes order because He numbered nearly everything.
- 7 Days
- 10 Commandments
- 12 Disciples
- 8 Miracles of Elijah
- 12 Tribes of Israel
- 1 God
And let's not forget the book of Numbers - it's that book that, I will admit, I usually skip, filled with lists of names I can barely pronounce and numbers of people in families that I will never remember and never saw as very important. But recently, I came across this nugget of wisdom about Numbers:
"Each person is listed one by one, because each person was important and had a role to play... It's much harder to hide in a crowd when the leader knows you personally!"
I might not have thought those people were important. But God did.
Those people might seem like just a list to me, but to God, they each had a specific purpose in His plan for the Israelites. God has that same list right now. My name is on it. Your name is on it. We were all created for a specific purpose, at a specific time, to play a specific part in God's big story.
We see this on a smaller scale in Native tribes. Each person in a tribe has a role. Whether Chief or scout, wife or small child, they all work together for the betterment of their community. They know their job and their importance.
The are woven together like the individual pieces of yarn that come together to make a beautiful blanket.
Do you know how important you are in God's tribe?
As you look forward to this week, I pray that you would feel excited about the place God has put you and the impact you're having in His world, and that you would know how wonderful we think you are!
Let's take our place in God's story.
(Shameless plug: At Lutheran Indian Minsitries, we are building our own TRIBE of those dedicated to the future of Native Ministry through monthly giving. If you are already a monthly giver, you'll be receiving your information shortly. If you aren't, check it out by clicking on the banner below.)