Lights On for Fred (Advent Devotion) - Tuesday, December 18
For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light. (2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV)
“Something happened to me when Linda was speaking. Things came to mind and things were opened up to me in ways that I had never seen them before,” Fred explained.
It was like a “light” went on for Fred that day as the Spirit of God revealed truths to him about his life and how he could now heal from the pain of his past and his struggle with addictions. Fred’s addictions had led to some jail time, and he truly wanted to find freedom.
My wife, Linda, and I were at a conference in Manitoba, Canada, where Linda was one of the keynote speakers. The conference was focusing on the hurt and pain First Nations people have suffered. Fred, a young First Nations man, came and found new insight into his life and how he, too, could find victory over issues that were destroying his life.
Part of Linda’s story focuses on a very traumatic experience, where she thought she may die and then saw a light in the dark, winter sky. It was a beautiful, bright star, and it gave her hope, reminding her of Jesus and the hope He brings. It became clear to her that night that Jesus is, in fact, the true light. At the conference, Linda went on to share the rest of her story and to speak about how she had found emotional, physical, and spiritual healing from that experience. She spoke above how God gave her victory over deep-rooted issues in her life.
Linda's story touched Fred deeply.
Jesus is the light, and it shines for all of us when we stop to see it.
During the Christmas season, we see lights everywhere. People place lights on their houses. Towns and cities hang up new lights on street lamps, and lights hang on thousands of Christmas trees throughout the world on Christmas Day. Something wonderful is triggered in our soul when we see light!
I believe God is telling us He indeed is the light, and it is His light that brings hope in all situations. As we approach Christmas, think about how you, Like Fred, can follow this light afresh and in ways that you may never have followed it before. May you, too, experience God’s light in all your life.
Dear Lord, Thank you for Christmas and its reminder to us that you are the great light and the only true hope. Thank you, Lord, for showing us how to work through difficult things in our lives and that because you came we can have victory and hope. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.