In The Fullness of Time (Advent Devotion) - Sunday, December 30

We can, through faith in Christ, enjoy His completed work on the cross looking forward to an eternity with Him. "And from His fullness, we have all received grace upon grace" (John 1:16)

Not just grace, but grace upon grace! A double portion of underserved favor and love from God!

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Worship Like a Wise Man (or Woman) (Advent Devotion) - Saturday, December 29

How did the Wise Men worship Jesus? Bow down and give gifts. A quick visit, in and out? Probably not. The best guess is: They spent lots of time with the toddler Jesus. They came, and they stayed, but we aren’t told for how long. And they gave gifts. Not just a few little presents, nicely wrapped with bows, they brought treasure, lots of treasure. This is what it means to worship, to invest significant time and treasure to honor the King.

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