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A Know-It-All (Lent) - Wednesday, March 14
One of the biggest challenges, for an outsider who enters the reservation, is to not come across as a know-it-all.
At times, the more I share the stories of Mauna [God] the more I catch myself being a know-it-all. I get excited, and I play right into their understanding that the ‘white man’ Christian talks about God, as opposed to the Native talking to God, as they are often taught.
Jesus Loves You - by Rev. Ricky Jacob
That year was filled with life’s ups and downs, good and not so good days. Yet through it all her, faith did not waver and she continued to trust in Jesus and express His love to others.
Fatherhood (Advent) - Wednesday, December 27
As Jesus came into the world not to be served but to serve and lay down his life as a ransom for many, so too a Christian father serves his family, his wife, and their child(ren).
The Divine Task of Motherhood (Advent) - Wednesday, December 20
At this time of year, we reflect and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Mary’s son and Mary’s Lord and Savior. We join the angels in praising God for this newborn child and prepare for His return when He will restore those who trust in Him to the way it was prior to Eve’s fall into sin in the new heavens on the new earth!
What's in a Name?
"Some people are like lakes. They change very little as they age. Some people are like rivers. When you trace the Mississippi, or any other river at its source, it can be very small. Later on, it can be wide and strong. When it meets the ocean, it spreads out." In other words, names should change as the individual changes.
What is Ecclesiastical Order? (What do Lutherans Believe?: Part 7)
Lutheranism desire to maintain whatever best contributes to good order, peace, and harmony in the church.
What is the purpose of the Sacraments? (What do Lutherans Believe?: Part 6)
The Bible reveals the Sacraments to be the means with which God distributes his grace and promises. God attaches his word of promise to the element of the Sacrament.
The Latin word "Sacrament" means mystery. God's gifts are given in God's mysterious ways. He offers, gives, and seals the forgiveness of sins earned by Jesus Christ.
What is Repentance? (What do Lutherans Believe?: Part 5)
Repentance, in other words, is not about paying God off or making some satisfaction for our sins. Repentance is recognizing the reality of our sin and turning to God, in faith, for his mercy.
What is Confession? (What do Lutherans Believe?: Part 4)
Confession has two parts. The first is that we confess our sins. The other is that we receive absolution, or forgiveness, from the confessor, as from God Himself, and in no way doubt but firmly believe that our sins are forgiven before God in Heaven.
What is the Lord's Supper? (What do Lutherans Believe?: Part 3)
Based on His words, we Lutherans believe, teach, and confess that, of the bread, it is what Jesus said it is, namely "This is my body." And of the wine, "This is my blood."